Prerequistes of WatcherNode.msi:
1. if trusted will be used for authentication it has to be installed on a machine which is already part of topology. 
2. If LiveId or IWA authentication will be used, OCSCore.msi should be installed with below command.
ocscore.msi ADDLOCAL=ALL
3. If LiveId authentication will be used Single Sign on Service should be installed.

Steps Requires to Setup Watcher Node:
1. If you have the %ProgramCommonFiles%\Lync\Watcher Node\ReadMe.txt, this means you already setup the watchernode.msi with Authentication type parameter.

E.g. WatcherNode.msi Authenticatio=LiveId

2. Set test users. If authentication type is LiveId or IWA passwords needs to be created in credential manager.

set-cstestusercredential -SipAddress "sip:[email protected]" -UserName "[email protected]" -Password "123"set-cstestusercredential -SipAddress "sip:[email protected]" -UserName "[email protected]" -Password "123"

You can remove the credentials with below cmdlets, if necessary.
remove-cstestusercredential -SipAddress "sip:[email protected]"

3. Add target pools.
new-cswatchernodeconfiguration -TargetFqdn "" -TestUsers @{Add="sip:[email protected]","sip:[email protected]"} -PortNumber 5061

$targetFqdn = ""

4. AddExtended Tests.

$e1 = New-CsExtendedTest -Name "ACP Test for antem0" -TestUsers sip:antem0@antemTenant -TestType AudioConferencingProvider
$e2 =New-CsExtendedTest -Name "ACP Test for antem1" -TestUsers sip:antem1@antemTenant -TestType AudioConferencingProvider
$e3 = New-CsExtendedTest -Name "PSTN Test for antem4" -TestUsers @{Add="sip:antem4@antemTenant", "sip:antem5@antemTenant"} -TestType PSTN

set-cswatchernodeconfiguration -TargetFqdn ""-ExtendedTest @{Add=$e1,$e2,$e3} -PortNumber 5061

You can remove watchernodeconfiguration if necessary.
set-cswatchernodeconfiguration -TargetFqdn ""

Repeat same steps for other pools.

5. To validate the topology, you can run below cmdlets.

If topology is accesible, you can run.

If topology is not accesible, you can run.
test-cswatchernodeconfiguration -Topology Topology.xml