Prerequistes of WatcherNode.msi: 1. if trusted will be used for authentication it has to be installed on a machine which is already part of topology. 2. If LiveId or IWA authentication will be used, OCSCore.msi should be installed with below command. ocscore.msi ADDLOCAL=ALL 3. If LiveId authentication will be used Single Sign on Service should be installed. Steps Requires to Setup Watcher Node: 1. If you have the %ProgramCommonFiles%\Lync\Watcher Node\ReadMe.txt, this means you already setup the watchernode.msi with Authentication type parameter. E.g. WatcherNode.msi Authenticatio=LiveId 2. Set test users. If authentication type is LiveId or IWA passwords needs to be created in credential manager. E.g. set-cstestusercredential -SipAddress "sip:[email protected]" -UserName "[email protected]" -Password "123"set-cstestusercredential -SipAddress "sip:[email protected]" -UserName "[email protected]" -Password "123" You can remove the credentials with below cmdlets, if necessary. remove-cstestusercredential -SipAddress "sip:[email protected]" 3. Add target pools. new-cswatchernodeconfiguration -TargetFqdn "" -TestUsers @{Add="sip:[email protected]","sip:[email protected]"} -PortNumber 5061 $targetFqdn = "" 4. AddExtended Tests. $e1 = New-CsExtendedTest -Name "ACP Test for antem0" -TestUsers sip:antem0@antemTenant -TestType AudioConferencingProvider $e2 =New-CsExtendedTest -Name "ACP Test for antem1" -TestUsers sip:antem1@antemTenant -TestType AudioConferencingProvider $e3 = New-CsExtendedTest -Name "PSTN Test for antem4" -TestUsers @{Add="sip:antem4@antemTenant", "sip:antem5@antemTenant"} -TestType PSTN set-cswatchernodeconfiguration -TargetFqdn ""-ExtendedTest @{Add=$e1,$e2,$e3} -PortNumber 5061 You can remove watchernodeconfiguration if necessary. set-cswatchernodeconfiguration -TargetFqdn "" Repeat same steps for other pools. 5. To validate the topology, you can run below cmdlets. If topology is accesible, you can run. test-cswatchernodeconfiguration If topology is not accesible, you can run. test-cswatchernodeconfiguration -Topology Topology.xml